
Grove – 6-Axis Accelerometer & Gyroscope 6軸加速度計和陀螺儀

NT$368 NT$320

50 件庫存


Grove – 6-Axis Accelerometer & Gyroscope 6軸加速度計和陀螺儀

Grove – 6軸加速度計和陀螺儀是一款經濟高效的Grove傳感器,集成了3軸數字加速度計和3軸數字陀螺儀。該產品內置嚴重的低功耗數字晶片LSM6DS3 和電源穩壓器,具有靈敏度高,綠色環保,噪聲干擾小等特點。它可以配置成不同的加速度靈敏度和不同的角速度測量範圍。提供詳細的SDK,可以使原型製作過程更快,更容易。



  • Grove 接口和成本效益。
  • 數字輸出6個自由度運動數據。
  • ±2 /±4 /±8 /±16 g滿量程精度加速度感應範圍適用於各種環境。
  • 角速率測量範圍的±125,±245,±500,±1000,±2000度/秒(dps)使其具有多功能性。
  • 詳細的SDK更容易編程。
  • 穩定的電源為可靠的數據收集。
  • 程序中斷不同的事件。
  • 8千字節的數據緩衝。


  • 模擬電源電壓:5V / 3.3V(DC)
  • 功耗:組合正常模式下為0.9 mA,高達1.6 kHz的組合高性能模式下為1.25 mA
  • 線性加速度測量範圍滿量程的±2 /±4 /±8 /±16克(典型值)
  • 角速率測量範圍±125,±245,±500,±1000,±; 2000 dps(典型值)
  • 線性加速度靈敏度0.061(FS =±2),0.122(FS =±4),0.244(FS =±8),0.488(FS =±16)mg / LSB
  • (FS =±125),8.75(FS =±245),17.50(FS =±500),35(FS =±1000),70(FS =±2000)

Grove – 6-Axis Accelerometer & Gyroscope

Grove  6-Axis Accelerometer&Gyroscope is a cost-effective Grove sensor integrated with a 3-axis digital accelerometer and a 3-axis digital gyroscope.With a serious low power consumption digital chip LSM6DS3 and power supply regulator inside, it features high sensitivity, green tech and low noise interference. It can be configured to different sensitivity levels of acceleration and different angular rate measurement range. Provided with detailed SDK, it can make the prototyping process quicker and easier.This product can be used for different applications for tilt, motion, and tap sensing, such as robotics, IoT devices and consumer electronic devices.

  • Grove interfaced and cost-effective.
  • Digital-output for 6 DOF motion data.
  • ±2/±4/±8/±16 g full scale leaner acceleration sensing range for various environment.
  • ±125, ±245, ±500, ±1000, ±2000 degree per seconds(dps) for angular rate measurement range make it versatile.
  • Detailed SDK for easier programming.
  • Regulated power supply for reliable data to be collected.
  • Programmed interrupts for different event.
  • 8 kbyte data buffering.

SpecificationAnalog supply voltage: 5V/3.3V(DC)Power consumption: 0.9 mA in combo normal mode and 1.25 mA in combo high-performance mode up to 1.6 kHzLinear acceleration measurement range ±2/±4/±8/±16 g full scale (typical value)Angular rate measurement range ±125, ±245, ±500, ±1000, ±;2000 dps(typical value)Linear acceleration sensitivity 0.061(FS = ±2), 0.122(FS = ±4), 0.244(FS = ±8), 0.488(FS = ±16) mg/LSBAngular rate sensitivity 4.375(FS = ±125), 8.75(FS = ±245), 17.50(FS = ±500), 35(FS = ±1000), 70(FS = ±2000) Platform Seeeduino/Arduino Rasberry Pi LinkIt One BeagleboneSupported status Supported Supported Supported SupportedNotes If no version number is not represented for a specific platform, it means this product support all versions within this platform. But you will need additional corresponding Grove shield board such as Grove – Base shield v2. Please visit our wiki page for more info about this product. It will be appreciated if you can help us improve the documents, provide more demo code or tutorials.

Technical Details

Dimensions 140mm x 85mm x 10.3mm
Weight G.W 6g
Battery Exclude