
Piezo Vibration Sensor – Small Vertical MEAS 垂直接腳壓電式振動感測器

NT$150 NT$140



Piezo Vibration Sensor – Small Vertical MEAS 垂直接腳壓電式振動感測器 美國 SparkFun 原裝進口

Measurement Specialties的Minisense 100是一種低成本懸臂式振動傳感器,通過質量負載,在低頻時提供高靈敏度。用於檢測用戶的振動和“敲擊”輸入。當電影向前移動時,會產生一個小的交流和大電壓(高達+/- 90V)。一個簡單的電阻應該把電壓降到ADC電平。也可以用於衝擊感應或靈活開關。帶有焊接引腳,可以垂直安裝。


  • 柔性PVDF壓電聚合物薄膜
  • 寬動態範圍
  • 層壓更高的電壓輸出
  • 麵包板友好的線索



Piezo Vibration Sensor – Small Vertical

The Minisense 100 from Measurement Specialties is a low-cost cantilever-type vibration sensor loaded by a mass to offer high sensitivity at low frequencies. Useful for detecting vibration and ‘tap’ inputs from a user. A small AC and large voltage (up to +/-90V) is created when the film moves back an forth. A simple resistor should get the voltage down to ADC levels. Can also be used for impact sensing or a flexible switch. Comes with solder pins that allows for vertical mounting. Features:

  • Flexible PVDF Piezo Polymer Film
  • Wide dynamic range
  • Laminated for higher voltage output
  • Breadboard friendly leads
