
SparkFun Particle Sensor Breakout – MAX30105 感測器模組

NT$730 NT$580



SparkFun Particle Sensor Breakout – MAX30105 感測器模組 SparkFun 原裝進口

SparkFun MAX30105 粒子傳感器是一款靈活,功能強大的傳感器,能夠感應距離,心率,粒子檢測,甚至是眼睛的閃爍。MAX30105配備了三個LED以及一個非常靈敏的光子探測器。這個想法是脈沖不同的LED,然後檢測到什麼閃耀。基於反射的簽名,可以檢測不同類型的顆粒或材料(如含氧血液或火災煙霧)。

MAX30105利用紅色LED,綠色LED和紅外(IR)LED在包括脈搏血氧儀在內的眾多用途中進行存在感知,心跳繪圖和心率監測。MAX30105設計工作在5V,可與3.3V和5V微控制器通信。我們還為MAX30105 Breakout編寫了一個Arduino庫,負責所有I 2 C通信,位移,寄存器寫入和样本讀取。


  • 內置紅色,紅外和綠色LED
  • 5V操作(允許3.3V,但綠色LED不保證操作)
  • 板載1.8V調節和I 2 C接口電路
  • 靈敏度可配置為7.81pA
  • 最高采樣率為3200Hz
  • 內置32個採樣FIFO(先入先出)
  • 應用包括存在性檢測,距離感應(最大18“),脈搏血氧飽和度,血氧飽和度(SpO2),煙霧和粒子檢測

The SparkFun MAX30105 Particle Sensor is a flexible, powerful sensor enabling sensing of distance, heart rate, particle detection and even the blinking of an eye. The MAX30105 has been equipped with three LEDs as well as a very sensitive photon detector. The idea is to pulse the different LEDs, then detect what shines back. Based on the reflected signature it’s possible to detect different types of particles or materials (such as oxygenated blood or smoke from a fire). The MAX30105 utilizes a red LED, a green LED, and an IR (Infrared) LED for presence sensing, heart-beat plotting and heart-rate monitoring among its multitude of uses, including Pulse Oximetry. The MAX30105 is designed to operate at 5V and can communicate with both 3.3V and 5V microcontrollers. We’ve also written an Arduino library for the MAX30105 Breakout which takes care of all of the I2C communication, bit shifting, register writing and sample reading.

Get Started with the MAX30105 Breakout Guide
